
Listed organic goat milk powder and products maker Bubs Australia has entered into an agreement with a major Chinese e-commerce operator to supply its entire product range.

The supply agrement with Worldwide covers the company's range of infant formula, baby food and cereals as well as its CapriLac goat milk powder, which Bubs now owns following its acquisition of NuLac Foods at the end of last year.

“Product quality and provenance are critical factors in serving the Chinese market, where goat milk based products continue to experience strong growth,” Bubs Australia CEO Nicholas Simms said. had over 266 million annual active users as of 30 September 2017, according to Bubs, and Simms said would be opening its first Australian business office in Melbourne this month, “demonstrating the strategic importance of this region and their dedication to accelerating the growth of high quality authentic Australian brands”.

Packaging News

Mountain Blue, a leader in blueberry genetics, is conducting a paper-based packaging trial on its Eureka blueberry brand, in collaboration with packaging and systems solutions company, Opal, and supermarket retailer Coles Group.

This year’s board election for peak industry body, the Australian Packaging & Processing Machinery Association, saw one of the closest contests in recent years, with the highest voter turnout compared to previous rounds, and a hard-fought campaign from nominees.

As the government trumpets headline inflation figures coming down, the reality for many manufacturing businesses is that government charges themselves are skyrocketing, putting a significant burden on business.