• Milk industry accepts Foodbank Awards at AFGC. L-R Kiril Simonovski, Director of Consumer Division Fonterra, Angela Burr, General Manager Marketing & Commercial Services Parmalat, John Williams, General Manager Sales Saputo Diary Australia, Brianna Casey CEO Foodbank Australia, Kathy Karabatsas Managing Director Lion Dairy & Drinks, Paula Zrilic Our Community Pantry and Tanya Barden, CEO AFGC.
    Milk industry accepts Foodbank Awards at AFGC. L-R Kiril Simonovski, Director of Consumer Division Fonterra, Angela Burr, General Manager Marketing & Commercial Services Parmalat, John Williams, General Manager Sales Saputo Diary Australia, Brianna Casey CEO Foodbank Australia, Kathy Karabatsas Managing Director Lion Dairy & Drinks, Paula Zrilic Our Community Pantry and Tanya Barden, CEO AFGC.

Fonterra, Parmalat, Lion Dairy & Drinks, and Saputo Dairy Australia have collectively received the 2019 Foodbank Award for their collaboration to fight hunger in Australia.

Foodbank Australia CEO, Brianna Casey said the award reflected an “extraordinary” eight-year collaboration. Together the companies provide one million litres of fresh milk a year.

“Despite facing turbulent industry and market conditions, Parmalat, Lion Dairy & Drinks, Fonterra and Saputo Dairy Australia supply Foodbank with fresh milk in every state and territory each and every week of the year. This allows school students around the country to have milk on their cereal when they sit down at a breakfast club, it enables pensioners to add milk to their cup of tea or coffee at the drop in centre and it provides families with a staple ingredient for meals such as mac and cheese,” Casey explained.

Fonterra Australia sales and marketing director Kiril Simonovski told Food & Drink Business: “As one of Foodbank’s National Milk Program partners, we’re humbled to receive this year’s Foodbank Award for our contribution to help fight hunger in Australia.

"Fonterra recognises the real difference food businesses can make to the community and we’re pleased to be able to bring the goodness of dairy to all Australians – especially the most vulnerable – through our donations of fresh milk.”

Foodbank helps millions of Australians accessing food relief through its network of 2600 charities.

The Award was presented at the Food & Grocery Australia conference dinner held by the Australian Food & Grocery Council (AFCG) in Sydney on 30 May.



Packaging News

APCO has released its 2022-23 Australian Packaging Consumption and Recovery Data Report, the second report released this year in line with its commitment to improving timeliness and relevance of data. 

The AFGC has welcomed government progress towards implementing clear, integrated and consistent changes to packaging across Australia, but says greater clarity is needed on design standards.

It’s been a tumultuous yet progressive year in packaging in Australia, with highs and lows playing out against a backdrop of uncertainty caused in part by the dangling sword of DCCEEW’s proposed Packaging Reform, and in part by the mounting pressure of rising manufacturing costs. Lindy Hughson reviews the top stories for 2024.