
The second round of grants from the Manufacturing Modernisation Fund (MMF) is open, with businesses able to apply for $100,000 to $1 million to invest in new technology.

Minister for Industry, Science and Technology Karen Andrews said the big change between the first and second round is that this time projects need to align to the six manufacturing priorities announced as part of the Modern Manufacturing Strategy.

Minister Karen Andrews
Industry, Science and Technology minister
Karen Andrews

Andrews said successful businesses would be required to match any government funding at least three-to-one.

“This is part of our Government’s mantra of providing a hand-up, not a hand-out. This is about backing businesses to back themselves and grow,” she said.

Round one in April saw the government invest $48.3 million into nearly 200 projects valued at more than $215 million. These projects are expected to create about 2600 new jobs.

“In these uncertain times, we’re giving manufacturing businesses the confidence and certainty they need to invest in themselves to deliver new and innovative products and services.

“We want to deliver more products for Australians, and beyond that, we want to open up more opportunities for manufacturers to take on the world with their top quality products.

Applications for Round Two of the MMF will be open until 21 January 2021.


Packaging News

PIDA award winners from the ANZ region received the fourth highest number of wins in the world behind Japan, Germany/Austria and India in the latest round of the WorldStar Packaging Awards.

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Packamama has secured a $100,000 feasibility grant from the Australian government under the Business Research and Innovation Initiative (BRII), Renewables and Low Emissions Round.