The Mixquip Series 100 Side Entry Mixers by Teralba have been designed specifically with the high efficiency Mixquip Hydrofoil impellers. Mixquip side entry mixers provide the most efficient means of converting energy into fluid motion in large storage tanks.
Mixquip side entry agitators are ideally suited for blending products of low to medium viscosity and are designed to move food products and beverages away from the tank to create a uniform turnover of tank contents. This provides high efficiency axial flow impellers with maximum pumping and thrust for maximum agitation, resulting in reduced production times.
Applications include blending, solids in suspension, heat transfer, and mass transfer. Designed and manufactured in Australia and used in food, beverage, wine, and dairy industries across the country, Mixquip provides robust side entry mixer solutions. The precision cast stainless steel housing is available in both angular and straight designs.