
To meet the increasing demand of better-for-you products, Herman Brot has released its vegan-friendly and high in iron Complete Protein Bread. 

Containing 33.1 grams of protein per 100 grams, the plant-based protein bread is made with sprouted seeds, pea protein and hemp protein. 

The bread provides balanced amino acids by avoiding soy based complete proteins and is a low-carb option as it contains 7 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams. 

Nutritional value of the seeds and ease of digestion has been increased in the protein bread through sprouting the seeds before baking them, along with improved bioavailability of vitamins and minerals with its prebiotic fibre inulin recipe. 

Herman Brot’s Complete Protein Bread is available in Coles and independent supermarkets.

Packaging News

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