Coca-Cola South Pacific has reformulated its Powerade drink, and has the backing of two NRL favourites.
The new Powerade ION4 contains 95 per cent more electrolytes, to help replace four of the electrolytes lost through sweat – sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium.
The media campaign in coming months will include TVCs, out of home advertising, sporting talent partnerships, packaging and POS, and an in-store Olympics activation.
This will be backed up by a social media and a digital push through the creation of the Powerade Twitter app.
The NRL's Billy Slater has been chosen as the face of the launch TVC, and Greg Inglis will front up out-of-home advertising.
Powerade's Tracey Evans said exclusive partnerships were driving transactions in the sports drink category.
ION4 is available in 600ml single serves and multi-packs in Mountain Blast, Berry Ice, Lemon Lime, Gold Rush and Blackcurrant flavours.