• Queensland University of Technology is partnering with Bundaberg Brewed Drinks to offer an entrepreneurial scholarship to a student from the region participating in the Mayor’s Telstra Innovation Challenge.
Source: Bundaberg Brewed Drinks
    Queensland University of Technology is partnering with Bundaberg Brewed Drinks to offer an entrepreneurial scholarship to a student from the region participating in the Mayor’s Telstra Innovation Challenge. Source: Bundaberg Brewed Drinks

Queensland University of Technology (QUT) professor, Rowena Barrett, is in the Queensland city of Bundaberg this week to support high school students participating in the Mayor’s Telstra Innovation Challenge. This year, QUT is partnering with Bundaberg Brewed Drinks, creator of the iconic Ginger Beer, to offer an entrepreneurial scholarship to a talented student from the region.

The Mayor’s Telstra Innovation Challenge is an entrepreneurial pitch night for Sunshine Coast students from Years 10-12 to flex their skills. It is delivered this year in a collaboration between the Sunshine Coast Council, Telstra, and Study Sunshine Coast.

Bundaberg regional Council Mayor, Helen Blackburn, said that the Council was proud to support young minds through the Mayor’s Telstra Innovation Awards.

“As locals we know that great things happen in Bundaberg. From leading manufacturing and agricultural technology to one of our original innovators Bert Hinkler, the Bundaberg Region has become world renowned on many fronts.

“The Mayor’s Telstra Innovation Awards is a fantastic opportunity to encourage the next generation of entrepreneurs,” she said.

Local students have been hard at work, developing their concepts for the 2024 innovation awards and working with local mentors and industry experts ahead of the final pitch of their presentations to judges on 18 June.

Queensland University of Technology professor Rowena Barrett.
Source: QUT
Queensland University of Technology professor Rowena Barrett. Source: QUT

QUT’s professor Barrett said that entrepreneurial opportunities abounded in Bundaberg, related to agriculture and AgTech, community development, and environmental management.

“Entrepreneurial role models across the region - like Bundaberg Brewed Drinks - have been on an expansion path but have led with robotics and automation in their business. The Mayor's Telstra Innovation Challenge is a great opportunity for teams of students in the region to develop their entrepreneurial muscle,” said Barrett.

“One hundred and forty students from the Bundaberg postcode are currently enrolled at QUT, with many more hailing from across the Bundaberg region. A significant number of placement students head to the Bundaberg region and on graduation choose to grow their careers in Bundaberg and the surrounding Wide Bay-Burnett region,” she said.

Bundaberg Brewed Drinks CEO, John McLean, said that the collaboration with QUT was an exciting opportunity to support the next generation of entrepreneurs.

“Bundaberg Brewed Drinks have been the beneficiaries of the advice, services, and support of so many people across our region over the past 55 years,” he said.

“This Entrepreneurship Scholarship is a chance for our family to continue to invest and give back to our community.”

Packaging News

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