
Coca-Cola South Pacific has introduced a sugar-free variant of its Mother energy drink that only contains 23 calories per 500ml can.

“With Mother Sugar Free, we’ve expanded the Mother range to include a variant that is perfect for Aussies looking for a mother of an energy hit, without any of the sugar,” said Steven Ruhl, Mother marketing manager.

“Following in the footsteps of the launch of Mother Frosty Berry earlier this year, we’ve identified another segment in the energy drink category to drive incremental growth for the brand.

“The sugar-free segment of the energy drink category currently sits at nine per cent and has demonstrated significant growth over the past year.”

To support the launch of Mother Sugar Free, an all-inclusive integrated marketing campaign across point-of-sale, out-of-home, digital, experiential, social media, sampling and V8 Supercar activations will be rolled out across the coming months.

Mother Sugar Free is available in a 500ml can size and four x 250ml can multi-packs nationwide.

Packaging News

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